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Salient Points of CBCM Meeting in June 2021

(Ref. 050R/2021)




1st July 2021


- The Second General Assembly (2021, June 8-11) was attended by all the Bishops and Emeriti except Bishop Felix LKT of Kalay and Bishop Peter Hla of Phekon due to unforeseen circumstances.

- There were 14 points in all, viz., Nucio's Message; Opening Speech of Cardinal Charles, the President; Reading of the previous meeting Minutes; PMS National Office; Catholic Major Seminary, Institute of Theology, Yangon; Catholic Major Seminary, Institute of Theology, Loikaw; St. Michael's Major Seminary, Spiritual year, Taunggyi; Institute of Philosophy, Pyin Oo Lwin; Nation-Building with the report of KMSS, ECE and NCYC; Financial information; Synod of Bishops in October 2023 preceded by Diocesan, Conference, and Continental Levels (with the working period for Diocesan and Conference levels between October 2021 and March 2022); Liturgical Norms, Current Political Situation of the Nation; Other Proposals, Approvals, and information.

- The points that concern us all are particularly from Nuncio's Message: his appreciation of the role of Myanmar Church in reconciliation and assistance in the present situation; Pope's concern for the Church in Myanmar and financial assistance of some Episcopal Conferences of Asia; the request of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to update and revise the 2nd draft of "CBCM Child Protection Policy" (4th June 2019) in the future; the institution of the new lay ministry of Catechist by Pope Francis (11th May 2021) and some novelties in CIC 1311-1399 regarding sexual abuses by clerics and a new chapter entitled "Offenses against Human Life, Dignity and Liberty".

- His Eminence expressed his sympathy and empathy with his brother bishops especially in Loikaw and Mindat, his appreciation of the courage of many priests, Religious and catechists, and called for gallant efforts in accompanying and healing, and in promoting justice and Agape.

Some useful tidbits of information culled from the various reports:

- Significant Anniversaries to be celebrated in 2022: 400 years of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples; 200 years of the Missionary Societies of the Propaganda Fide; 100 years of the Pontifical and Universal designation of the first three Mission Societies (POPF, POSI, POSPA).

- The academic year (2020-2021) of Catholic Major Seminary, Yangon was hampered by the COVID-19 Pandemic; the present strength of this Institute is the Staff of 15 local diocesan priests and 3 Religious priests forming 86 seminarians via online Lectures and on Zoom faculty meetings; 22 final year seminarians' B. Th. Exams of Urbaniana on 25th June 2021.

- The CBCM approved the next academic year (2021-2022) to begin on 1st August 2021 with the physical presence of all the seminarians; the appointment of Fr. Dominic Thang Suan Lian as the new Professor of Dogmatic Theology; the proposal to form a "Committee for the Promotion of English Standard and Religious Knowledge of the Candidates to the Major Seminaries". The CBCM, on request of particular Bishops, allowed to advance some funds from the COVID-19 for medical assistance; also it approved Fr. Pius Than Naing Lin to the National Coordinator of ECE.

- In the Catholic Major Seminary, Institute of Theology, Loikaw, Spiritual exercises went on normally with a hiatus in classes for the time being; the housing of the IDP for a period of time was a reciprocal enriching experience.

- St. Michael's Major Seminary, Spiritual Year, Taunggyi with 26 seminarians enrolled was unable to open last year due to COVID-19. Although the P.I.M.E. Fathers would not be able to come the Spiritual Year would begin July 1st, 2021 with the physical presence of the seminarians.

- The Institute of Philosophy, Pyin Oo Lwin had 4 residential and 3 visiting professors forming 43 seminarians from 14 Dioceses/Congregations. 70% of the new construction is completed. The previous academic year, due to COVID-19 had to go online since September 2020 with many drawbacks and also advantages. The new academic year (2021-2022) would begin on 1st July with the physical presence of the seminarians, with due precaution taken and following the extraordinary rules of the Institute.

- True to its Nation Building vision and plan (2018-2022) of professionalism aimed at the formation of the heart in line with the Church's teachings, the KMSS worked on Social Assistance Works especially in difficult areas, and the ECE targeted the education on behalf of poor children affected by "Double C" (Covid and Coup), and the NCYC's 30 year-vision to nurture Catholic Youth proposed to toe the line in thinking, preparedness, and involvement in social affairs.

- Info on Curriculum in the Science of Marriage and Family (2021), "World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly" (July 25), Laity and Family Meeting in Rome (June 22-26, 2022), and Requirements for Religious Visa were shared by Fr. Peter Sein Hlaing Oo.

The last but not the least point in this summary of CBCM Minutes is what the Bishops exhorted all the priests and Faithful

1) To offer daily Mass for peace and reconciliation of the Country in addition to other intentions

2) To pray the prayer directed by CBCM after the daily Mass

3) To make an hour of Adoration daily alone or in a group

4) To pray the Rosary for the maternal protection of Mary, Our help.

Religious Leaders' Meetings and confidential letters were suggested for a peaceful solution to the conflict and protection of the Places of Worship regardless of Faiths and Religions.

It was also suggested to every diocese to be prepared for unexpected situations with an emergency team.

2021-07-02 22:29:13